Blaauw Gas Kiln - April 4th, 2023

Blaauw Gas Kiln - April 4th, 2023

Apr 4, 2023 05:36 PM
April 4th, 2023


The objective for this firing is to test the application of crater glazes on cylinders, as well as testing Glossy Gloop [ref. CO-98] with various colorants, Kuan Snowflake Crackle [ref. CO-84] with an extremely thick application, and Bronze Glaze (Murfitt) [ref CO-92] in various places throughout the kiln. Also being tested is the use of Glossy Gloop in combination with various crater glazes in the first firing and refiring a moon jar with a coating of Black Crater and some Glossy Gloop.


Line 00
Line 01
Time 0:00; Temp 5C
Line 02
Time 0:30; Temp 140C
Line 03
Time 0:10; Temp 140C
Line 04
Time 0:20; Temp 260C
Line 05
Oxidation 150
Line 06
Time 1:36; Temp 600C
Line 07
Time 1:53; Temp 1052C
Line 08
Time 1:38; Temp 1150C
Line 09
Time 4:14; 600C
Line 10
Line 11
Time 7:30; Temp 50C
Line 12
Started at: 2:21 PM on April 4th, 2023.
Unloaded at: 10:16 AM on April 5th, 2023 at about 86C after venting for a bit. Wait until cooler before unloading next time. (Don’t unload if you can’t do it without gloves Chucker says)

Photos Before:

Photos Before

Photos After:

Photos After

Gas Consumption

Roughly 12 x 100 cubic feet.


This firing represents a lot of highs and lows. To start with the positive - the glazes worked wonderfully. The surfaces that I got out of these pots, especially when combining multiple glazes, is exactly what I was hoping for. That comes with the drawback that the red and white craters, when applied thickly or as the outside layer, caused an absolute mess. Interestingly, when these were applied with a different glaze over top - such as the black or blue crater, they seem to have been “restrained” to some extent. This definitely warrants testing in regards to whether this was due to a thinner layer of these glazes, or if it truly is the interaction with the other crater glazes pulling them in a bit. The gloops definitely provided areas of interest for some glazes, however it appears that they very much ran with the craters rather than independently of them, which provides for an interesting look - just not what I had expected. I’d like to try firing these at a lower temperature.
Tha kiln itself fired woefully unevenly. Some areas of the kiln fired to a probable cone 8, while others fired to what looks to be around cone 4. The middle seems to have fired to about a perfect cone 5. As of right now, I’m not quite sure how to fix this. The solution may be to introduce a hold at the end of the cycle, or to formulate for a higher temperature, that way the kiln has more time to even out the temperatures. Ultimately though, given the kiln is firing on a single burner, this may just be an effect of that.
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